Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hot office, warm welcome.

This coming Tuesday will mark three weeks of being a Fairfaxian. Or Fairfaxite? Either way it seems like I just got here but already I'm in the mix of the ministries going on at Fairfax UMC.

For those who don't know, I'm serving as Associate Pastor with responsibilities ranging from Welcome Committees, Visitors and Membership to Worship Planning. I'm still getting all the details on my responsibilities but I must say, so far so good. I'll give you a recap on my first full week in the office.

What better way to say, "hey, I'm the new Pastor!" than preaching! I was blessed to share with the congregation on my first Sunday. After the first service, I walked to the back to greet people and I didn't think the receiving line was ever going to end! But the people were so kind and welcoming that I didn't think anything of it. After that it was time to get ready for the next service. Praise be to God that both went well and the Spirit spoke! After the 11:00 service there was a reception where my Mom and I got to meet everyone and hear the different tid bits of the church. Here are the ones that have stuck with me.

There are way too many Tarheel fans here. I'm going to have to scrounge to find people to watch games with. And flash forward in the week- I walk in Monday morning and Tim is drinking out of a UNC mug...needless to say I hid the mug.
The congregation is very open. About there love for Fairfax, the church, and one another.
Four services is a lot and I think I need to create a Pastor bootcamp for such a thing.
It was surreal to be called Pastor Lindsey but cool.
And finally Monday morning, I walked into an office with no air!

So the week jumped off and what better way to start your first week than with 100 kids stomping, laughing, and yelling through the halls. VBS! I was pumped. So with the children filling the church throughout the week, I began setting up the office, learning my way around and getting to know the staff. Everyone except Mike was in for the week- he had just taken the Senior high on a mission trip. More details to come! I would say there were some key things that helped me my first week:

Libby. Libby has been working at Fairfax for 36 years in a variety of positions and she knows the history, the people and of course the logistical things. She is very organized [which for those who know me, thrills me to no end!] and so assuring. Even when I was sitting in the office making sure I understood the computer, Libby was checking in and welcoming me every day.

Sue. Sue has knowledge beyond my years of all things technical. Fax machine, phone, Shelby [some data base that is endless] and the copier. She has a great spirit and is full of life. Always laughing.

Jason. Jason is the previous Associate and has been SO helpful in this transition. I may have worn out my "call me anytime" card but I am so thankful for his assistance and glad to call him a colleague!

These are just a snapshot of the many ways people were welcoming and helpful this past week. I look forward to getting to know the staff better as well as the congregation.

Well as I sit in my now cool office on this Sunday morning. It's hard to believe that a week as passed by, but this is what God has been preparing me for and that is a blessing. So thanks Fairfax UMC for a warm welcome!

Pastor Lindsey

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